Monday, July 7, 2014

You Need to Think About Pinning Your Hair

Once you have the right cut for your face shape, hair texture and type, its time to start thinking about how to add volume without using a blow dryer.  It’s easier than you think.

Start by applying leave -in conditioner and styling product to wet hair.  Find some short roller clips or long duck billed clips.  

For best results put the clips as close as possible to the roots of your hair.  Make sure there is very little space between each clip.  They should be as close together as you can get them. Note: Clips that are set too wide apart will make dents in the hair that will be hard break up to finish your hairstyle.

When hair is completely dry, remove the pins.  Gently massage the roots of your hair with finger tips and scrunch curls to soften.

Below are two pictures to help guide you. The second  picture is an example of how beautiful your hair will look after it dries and you remove the clips.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Winter Hair


                                           Winter Hair

One of the only true benefits of winter that I can think of is how kind the cold weather is to your hair.  The lack of humidity makes it easy to control frizz and styling hair takes less time and effort. 

As summer approaches with its heat and humidity, it is important to consider a strategy for dealing with frizz. Here are some tips:

If your hair is very curly, consider using two to three times more conditioner and styling product to weight down your curls. Always start with dripping wet hair. If this does not produce the desired result, consider adding a third styling product to wet hair. A mousse with gel or gel and a cream or even pomade with gel could work well.  Just remember to layer your leave in conditioner first on dripping wet hair.

If your hair is fine and curly, you will need to deep condition it more often to control frizz. If your hair seems unruly, apply a mask for 20 minutes two to three times a week.  A leave-in conditioner applied under styling product will also help to tame frizz. 

If your hair is wavy, you are in luck.  Summer heat is kind to hair that has been limp and lifeless all winter.  A mousse applied to wet hair should be all you need for styling.  If some frizz is an issue, use a leave-in conditioner before applying a styling product.

So enjoy summer, and your beautiful hair!

Monday, January 13, 2014